Thursday, February 19, 2009

YOUNG PEOPLE: Do Great Things for GOD

World Magazine writer Micky McLean reported the tenacity of Lia, a 12 year old girl who against all opposition was not deterred to speak out against abortion. Lia was told that her Persuasive Speech would not be allowed in the school wide competition, but she was determined to speak out against the horror of abortion. When I see stories like Lia's, I am hopeful about the untapped potential of young people to do great things for God. Not because they in themselves are so great, but rather because the truth they proclaim is so right. Righteous is Lia's cause to defend the unborn against the disapproval of adults because it is God's cause for all of us to walk justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8). Psalm 8:2 shouts, "From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger". Young people how are you praising God? First, I hope you are honoring your parents because all greatness in God's eyes begins with honoring our parents for God's glory. Second, I desire that all of you will dream big dreams of what God can do through you and others like you to impact the world for Jesus Christ. What is God calling you to do? Do Great Things for GOD. Amen.

Post: Persuasive Argument (Link)

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