Things that we have heard and known, that our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.
Psalm 78:3-4
Psalm 78:3-4
1. Pray that YOU Would LOVE and LIVE the GOSPEL. The Greatest witness to the power of the Gospel, outside of Scripture, is a Life transformed by the Gospel. A soul gripped by the soul satisfying Truth about God and his story to SAVE the World. Pray that God would continue to grab hold of your heart by his Infinite Gift of Grace in His Crucified Son that He eternally LOVES. That He LOVES YOU and has given you a hope without end or spot or stain or wrinkle. It is only when you are in the grip of God’s GRACE that you are most usable for the Next Generation. Generation NEXT Needs to SEE you on fire for Christ. That is a powerful tool in the hands of the Almighty to wield his Victory for the Next Generations eternal good.
2. Pray that the CHURCH would LOVE and LIVE the GOSPEL. The next generation must taste and see that the Body of Christ is radically different then the surrounding alternative communities in the world. Jesus said, “all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” What better way to love each other in the church than to pray for each other privately and publically before our children and grandchildren. Instead of talking about your brother or sister, prayer for the saints. Pray that leaders would resolve to diligently study the Scriptures and pray.
3. Pray that PARENTS would Love and Live the GOSPEL. The tyranny of the urgent in the modern world develops in the life of many families a hyper-business that often squeezes out any Need for God. Pray that parents may resist the temptation of living busy lives by setting Christ-centered priorities of eternal significance. Pray that parents will be faithful to raise their children for Christ and His Kingdom.
4. Pray that the Next Generation would Love and Live the GOSPEL. The urgency for the next generation to love and live the Gospel is a blaring loudly. Our Children are leaving the church. They are seeking Good News in other things beside Christ, which are not Good News at all. Pray that God would work in every covenant child’s heart to embrace the Good News of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. O Holy Spirit rescue hearts. Amen.
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