It was 36 years ago today, January 22, that the Supreme Court legalized abortion in the United States. The results of their decision and the decisions of countless others has led to the deaths of almost 50 million unborn babies in the United States. I am numbed by those, created in God's image, that celebrate the right of a woman to kill her own child. We celebrate individual freedom and equality, yet the weakest of all members are robbed of freedom being destroyed in the comfort and security of mother's womb. Can God bless America? Can God's favor rest on this nation when we allow innocence to be murder in the safe harbor of mommy's belly? Defenseless voices silenced by the horror of legalized murder for the benefit of promiscuity and profit. Ezekiel prophesied, "For when they had slaughtered their children in sacrifice to their idols, on the same day they came into my sanctuary to profane it. And behold, this is what they did in my house." (Ezekiel 23:39) Have we not, as a nation been doing the same thing wanting the blessing of God, yet with all the pleasures that are an abomination to God.
As we remember the Anniversary of America's Greatest SIN...Legalization of Abortion, let us celebrate life! Let us lift high the Divinely declared worth of every human life. Let us defend the weakest members of our society with TRUTH, PRAYER and ACTION. When Christ Jesus comes will he find us FAITHFUL?
My Prayer for the Church:
Oh Father, forgive us our sin of trusting in the power of men, instead of believing and living in the power of the Gospel to change the hearts of Americans. Forgive us of our complacency toward the right to life of the unborn, and the lips service we pay without the life service required to fight the sin of abortion. Grant your Church strength to endure by the power of the Holy Spirit, so that Christ would dwell in the hearts of your people. Give us the perseverance to continue the struggle against the sin of abortion by being a people perpetually turning to you for strength, guidance and righteousness. May we finish the race to live justly and love righteousness and walk humbly with you our Savior and Lord. Amen.
Below are several resources that you can watch to inform and edify you in your struggle against America's Greatest SIN...Abortion.
R.C. Spoul, Video series on abortion (free on the web)
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